

Taken at Hobart, Tasmania
September 7, 2006

澳洲有一個省,是唯一一個與大陸分離的省份,它的名字叫塔斯曼尼亞省 Tasmania。

塔斯曼尼亞省,就像整個澳洲的縮影。南北分別有一個沿海的大城市,Hobart 與 Launceston。中部是較為 rural 的地帶,在寬廣的大道上驅車,就像 King of the Road 描繪的那一種無拘無束的感覺。沿途經過的小鎮,如 Ross、Campbell Town,都是極具歷史色彩的古鎮。島上的自然景觀更是一絕,儼如仙境的 Cradle Mountain,新鮮天然的蘋果園、士多啤梨園、紅酒廠、蜂蜜工場、薰衣草原,還有代表 Tasmania 的可愛動物如 Tasmania Devil、Platypus 等。

Tasmania 最大的城市 Hobart,小小的地方裡房子從山腳到山腰擠得密密麻麻。從 Mt. Wellington 眺望整個城市,畫面實在相當的美麗,不同顏色的房子有如積木一樣井井有條地堆砌出這個城市。



If I have time I'll take a flight to there
A place with golden sunshine sparkling in the air
So far away in the Southern Hemisphere
A land where you can see lavender everywhere

Driving on the highway
No speed limit to obey
Just get away and freely spend your holidays
Walking through an old town
Even just wander around
The smell of history can be found

It isn't part of the mainland
With a different culture that's easy to understand
Breakfast with fresh apple jam
Strangers treat you like old friends
So there's no room for you to pretend

Hobart looks like a Lego City
The life is simple in this small community
No matter you're a sailor
A farmer or a traveler
Enjoy the life together
Oh my Tasmania
My Utopia

When I retire I wish to settle there
To live with lovely kangaroos and koalas
When you're standing in the middle of nowhere
You can see the Southern Cross and other stars

No matter you wanna get drunk
Or you wanna meet someone
It's a place for you to have fun
Oh my Tasmania
My Utopia

1 則留言:

Julia 提到...

Did u been there before?
I hope that I will go there :)