

偶然從雜誌上看到了一個碟評,它描繪的唱片內容深深吸引了我,當我經過 HMV 就毫不猶豫走進店內將它買下來。這張唱片屬於 American Jazz Music,其魅力不僅在於曲調優美,而更在於歌曲內容與旅遊扯上莫大關係。我喜歡旅遊,我喜歡音樂,兩者配合起來,就是一種很休悠自在的感覺。聽著 Stacey Kent 的音樂,就像在這個世界環遊了一趟,細味在世的生活,給人一種很舒適的心情。 Stacey Kent 是一位紐約人,曾經到過歐洲攻讀法文、德文和意大利文。在這張個人專輯她唱了兩首法文歌曲,格外流露一種異國情懷。


Recommended tracks:
The ice hotel
I wish i could go travelling again
Breakfast on the morning tram

I wish I could go travelling again

I wish I could go travelling again
It feels like this summer will never end
And I've had such good offers from several of my friends
I wish I could go travelling again

I want to sit in my shades, sipping my latte
Beneath the awning of a famous cafe
Jet-lagged and with our luggage gone astray
I wish I could go travelling again

I want a waiter to give us a reprimand
In a language neither of us understand
While we argue about the customs of the land
I wish I could go travelling again

I want to sit in traffic anxious about our plane
While your blase comments drive me half insane
I want to dash for the shelter with you through the tropical rain
I wish I could go travelling again

I want to be awakened by a faulty fire alarm
In an overpriced hotel devoid of chard
Then fall asleep again back in your arms
I wish I could go travelling again

But how can I ever go travelling again
When I know I'll just keep remembering again
When I know I'll just be gathering again
Reminders to break my heart ?

I wish I could go travelling again
It feels like this summer will never end
And I've had such good offers from several of my friends
I wish I could go travelling again
